Some of the greatest quotes by Socrates

Amrit Malviya
2 min readMay 15, 2021


“Mankind is made of two kinds of people: wise people who know they’re fools, and fools who think they are wise”

Again simple and deep quote by Socrates, According to Socrates mankind is made of two kinds of people: one is Wise, and the other is Fool.

wise people know they’re fools, it doesn’t mean that wise are fools but the quality of wise people is they know that they know very little about this universe, themselves, and about life. wise people are wise because they the secret of learning, the secret is when they say that they are fools which means they know very little about everything so for this reason they want to know more about everything and that how they grow.

wise actually know that they have limits, the human mind is not capable of knowing everything, so when they say they’re fools means they started the process of learning

“From the deepest desires

often come the deadliest hate

The important word is ‘deepest desires’ to focus on, desires are like greed that never ends up. the more deep desire is, the more we crave for it, and if it's not gets completed that the more anger, hate to rise up in us. why hate is deadliest because hate is like poison,



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